
About Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University

Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, founded in 1992, has attained a contemporary profile via perpetually keeping up with the times and developing itself and adopted showing constant efforts with a view to achieving and maintaining higher education standards as a principle. Our university has showed an outstanding progress with its 11 faculties, 5 schools, 3 graduate schools, 9 vocational schools, 5 Rectorate affiliated departments, 17 research centres, over 34.313 students, approximately 1282 academic staff and 860 administrative staff.

The following are the other facilities provided to its students: advisory, health, food and drink, transportation, accommodation, cafeteria, banking, cultural centres, internet, laboratory and sports facilities. They are also supported by education loans and scholarship.

On the Avşar Campus, which has a modern view resulting from infrastructure and environment planning, it is aimed at providing the best service to the students with smart classes and lecture theatres (seating 140-250), conference halls (seating 250-300), well equipped labs, sports facilities, internet halls, libraries and student cafeterias. Smart classes are available in all faculties, schools, graduate and vocational schools. Lectures are supported visually with video projectors assembled in classes and computers with LCD screens which are mounted into the professorship chairs designed by Directorate of Computing and Department of Informatics.

KSU started to admit international students in 2011.Foreıgn students from all over the world (32 Countries  and 700 students) are applying for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies at KSU.

Being the most actively benefited unit by the international students studying at our university, The International Students Office (ISO) is the executive unit that is responsible for the orientation of these students, their social, cultural, artistic and sports interaction at university, and the research and development of the relevant works.

The quota on the number of international students at our university is increasing day by day and accordingly, the conditions concerning the needs of these students are improving not only in the university but also in the city of Kahramanmaraş. All in all, the office provides service as an advice centre for the incoming students, and has the adequate infrastructure, background information, and quality needed for them to experience a smooth and successful higher education.


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