

Poster Presentation Writing Rules

  • Poster size: 70 cm x 100 cm
  • Margins: 2 cm from top, bottom, left and rights ides.
  • The name and logo of the congress should be written on the upper left corner of the poster, and the name of the corporation / institution / university should be written on the upper right corner.
  • Poster title: 48 punto Arial and Bold (two lines of poster titlere commended).
  • Author name (s) is 28 punto in Arial font and Bold.
  • Author address (s) and mails are 28 punto in Arial font.
  • The text will be given in two or three columns.
  • Text headings are 24 punto in Arial and Bold.
  • The text is 24 punto in Arial font.
  • The posters should be formed with the introduction and should not exceed 3 sections.At the end, references should be indexed with smaller characters.
  • There is no color limitation in poster making.
  • To ensure that characters are easily readable in shapes, the appropriate size characters should be used and the same characters should be preferred in all shapes. Shapes should be given in sizes that can be easily seen from a distance.

Poster Presentation Rules

  • The posters will be hanged in the board that will be determined by the Symposium Organizing Committee.
  • Poster holders will be helped with poster boarding.
  • Poster owners will provide information about their work at the time specified in the schedule or will prepare explanatory text.
  • Only participants’ posters will be presented.